Traffic Violations – The True Cost of a Speeding Ticket

This Blog was brought to you by the San Antonio Traffic Ticket Attorney Gordon Slade

The True Cost of a Speeding Ticket

Have you noticed more autos on the side of the road with an officer issuing the driver a speeding ticket? Have you seen more trucks surrounded by DOT transport police? I sure have. There are several reasons for this increased activity. One is that many departments have increased patrols. The additional police presence is to assure the public that efforts are being taken to prevent crime. The other reason is that cities and states are faced with budget deficits in these tough economic times. Since traffic tickets are a politically correct form of taxation, many jurisdictions are increasing fines as a means of balancing the books. A traffic officer will cost his department an average of $75,000 per year while he can be expected to issue between $150,000 to $200,000 in speeding ticket citations. There are few businesses that can equal that rate of return. Some towns take in over 70% of their entire town budget through speeding tickets. What does this mean to you, the safe driver who has not received a traffic citation in years? It means that you are now more likely than ever to see those dreaded blue lights flashing in your rearview. If that does happen you need to know that the true cost of a speeding ticket has changed drastically in the last few years.

Consider Mary, a successful sales representative who enjoys the perks of a company car. She travels extensively and has received four speeding tickets in the last three years. She considers herself a safe driver and in each instance was traveling with the flow of traffic on the interstate. She has 9 out of the 12 points on her driver’s license. Imagine her surprise when her company’s insurance carrier refused to allow Mary to drive a company car. The company obtained supplemental insurance but Mary had to pay the extra $1600.

Then there is Jeffrey, a CDL truck driver from Ohio who is an independent operator and owns his own truck. He drives 150,000 miles per year and has five tickets on his record, none a serious violation. He is unable to obtain insurance that he can afford. He is in the process of losing his truck to the finance company and does not know how he will support his family. Families with teenagers may face an economic disaster if the teen driver receives a citation. One traffic ticket for rolling through a stop sign could cost as much as $3000 in increased premiums over the three years it remains on their record. The insurance industry considers young adults as teenagers until the age of 23. The purpose of relating Mary and Jeffrey’s stories is not for you to feel sorry for them. It is to impress upon you the severe consequences that may result from a traffic ticket. It is important to obey all traffic laws, not just for your physical protection but also for the health of your pocketbook. I have found that many people are more concerned about their pocketbooks than their personal safety.

What should you do if you receive a citation? Never just pay a speeding ticket. Check with the clerk of court to see if you are eligible for traffic school, even if it is an out-of-state citation. Many states now accept online traffic schools. Check to see if this is available in your state at HTTPs:// If traffic school is not available, then you or your attorney need to appear in court to contest the speeding ticket. Hiring an attorney may be your cheapest option when you consider the additional cost to your insurance. Check with your insurance agent to find out the consequences of the original charge being entered on your driving record.

18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers Laredo

18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers

No matter where you are located, if you are an active driver then you are at great risk of being involved in some type of auto accident collision. When the accident involves an 18-wheeler you stand to be seriously injured, if not worse. Truck accidents of this degree are often catastrophic in nature and they are likely to result in severe injury or even fatality for the victims involved. Therefore, legal action needs to be taken immediately after an accident of this nature has occurred. In the state of Texas, the victims of an 18-wheeler accident can be steadfastly represented by a car accident lawyer at our Law Group. More on this website @

We cannot stress enough the importance of acting quickly in the case of a truck accident and injury. Very often, truckers and the companies they work for already have a defense lined up specifically to address any legal issues that may arise. Therefore, you will need your own aggressive attorney to help you successfully address any case that is brought against a truck driver in the state of Texas. We are that firm. We have successfully handled a number of truck accident cases in the ten years we have been in business, winning literally thousands of dollars on behalf of the victims we represent. There is nothing stopping us from doing the same for you. Therefore, we encourage you to contact our firm as soon as possible after an 18-wheeler accident has left you injured.truck accident lawyers laredo Tx

Injured in an 18-wheeler accident? Call us today!

Semi-trucks and 18-wheelers are involved in approximately 500,000 accidents per year, and about 5,000 of these end fatally. If you lost a loved one in a truck accident, you are just as entitled to take legal action as they would have been if they had survived the wreck. You can do this by filing a wrongful death claim, and an associate at our law firm can help. We are here to meet the needs of both victims and their families, never wavering in the legal representation employed for those who need it most. As soon as you contact our firm we will set to work in the review of your case, assessing the accident and determining the action that will need to be taken in order to ensure that you are rightfully compensated for any injury you may have sustained.

Our Law Group has been practicing in the field of personal injury law for more than a decade and a good deal of our attention is focused on the wrongful victims of car and truck accidents in the state of Texas. Our ability to successfully obtain the compensation that our clients both need and deserve is unrivaled by any other, as attested by our recognition as top trial lawyers in the state. We are 100% dedicated to ensuring that your needs are met in the most efficient way possible, and we will not rest until we can confidently say that everything possible has been done to benefit your case.

For the legal attention you need and deserve, contact an 18-wheeler accident attorney from our firm today.

Personal Injury Lawyers: Whiplash Cases – Accident Attorneys

Personal Injury Lawyers: Whiplash Cases – Accident Attorneys

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury to the neck, which may also be referred to as neck sprain or neck strain. Symptoms which occur following damage to the neck, usually as a result of sudden extension and flexion, include injury to joints, discs, ligaments and nerve roots, causing pain in the neck, and head.personal injury lawyers - car accident attorneys - truck accident attorneys

Whiplash compensation claims

Whiplash usually occurs after a car accident when one vehicle is hit from behind by another, and the sufferer may feel immediate pain or delayed pain, which will only surface after a few days. Other symptoms may include neck stiffness, injuries to the ligaments and muscles, headache, dizziness and shoulder or back pain. Some people may experience psychological conditions such as memory loss or irritability and sleep disturbances, leading to depression, but this is relatively uncommon. More information from our San Antonio Car Accident Attorneys here

A soft neck collar can help recovery from whiplash injury or your doctor may recommend some type of gentle exercise to help strengthen the neck muscles. More serious whiplash injury can cause damage to the spine and discs, although most symptoms are minor and clear up completely within a few weeks.

If you have suffered a whiplash injury that was caused by someone else, you should contact a personal injury lawyer, who will give you expert advice and help about claiming compensation for your injuries. If you have been involved in a rear-end hit accident, you could suffer pain and discomfort, when the ligaments and tendons are strained during impact.

Most damage is done to the soft neck tissue, causing pain and discomfort in the neck and head. You may also experience pain in the lower back.Any accident which causes the head to jolt violently backwards and forwards can result in whiplash, including sports accidents, car accidents, accidents at work or at home. Whiplash accidents can also occur at the fairground, or even at the gym. Whiplash needs to be treated quickly, so your doctor can see there is no serious damage, and refer you to a specialist if necessary. A no win, no fee lawyer will help you to claim compensation if the accident was not your fault.

Treatment for sufferers of whiplash may include pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-depressants or muscle relaxants, and a range of exercises may also be recommended. Physical therapy may be prescribed for severe whiplash, and heat treatment may help relieve muscle tension. Whiplash prognosis for most individuals is good, and the neck and head clear within a few weeks. If you continue to have neck pain and headaches after 3 months, further examination may be necessary.whiplash lawyers-car accident attorneys

If you suffer ongoing pain and discomfort, you may require a CT scan or X-ray, which will show any more serious damage to your neck or spine. It is worth remembering that most whiplash compensation claims are successful following accidents that are caused by other people, and if the third party admits liability you may not even have to go to court to make a claim.

A personal injury lawyer will help you make a claim with a minimum of fuss or hassle, and most cases are settled out of court. Make sure you use a personal injury lawyer who works on a no win, no fee basis, and it won´t cost you a penny to claim compensation. The advantages of using a lawyer instead of a claims management company, is that they will deal directly with your claim and not pass it on to a third party, which should speed up the whole process.